The triumph of grace in the theology of Karl Barth / G. C. Berkouwer

The triumph of grace in the theology of Karl Barth / G. C. Berkouwer

Donación Raquel M. Cáceres.

At home and abroad the theology of Karl Barth continues to be a subject of vital interest. The judgment expressed at various times that its influence has passed the high-water mark is unmistakable being contradicted by the present theological situation. As Schleiermacher placed his stamp on the theology of the nineteenth century, so Barth has now for about thirty years dominated the theological debate of out century as it comes to expression in terms of thesis and antithesis. Barth's continuing significance. Theology of crisis? Triumph of Grace in creation. Triumph of election. Triumph of reconciliation. Eschatological triumph. Triumph of Grace in its antithesis to Rome. Ambiguous triumphs of Grace in the history of theology. Nature of the triumph. Universality of the triumph. Divine triumph. Triumph of the end. Triumph of Grace and the kingdom of God.